Fallen Away Catholics

Many in our community were raised Catholic, but no longer practice their faith or have serious questions about their faith. Six people leave Catholicism for everyone that joins. Half of young Americans who were raised Catholic, but no longer identify as Catholic today. Four out of five Catholics who left the Church left before age 23. Millions of parents grieve for their fallen-away children and describe their situation as “helpless” and “hopeless.” All have stories, and all have reasons for leaving. It is important to reach out to them, reconnect with them, answer their questions, and bring the baptized back home to the faith. The deacons in this ministry have helped individuals come back on a case-bycase basis, but now are forming, preparing, and inviting parishioners to join in 5 to 6 weeks of book study and discussion on the newly released book from the Word on Fire Institute “Return” by Brandon Vogt